5 Self Care Ideas Moms Need

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It is so easy for us moms to put everyone else first and ourselves last. This may work for awhile but eventually, it wears on us. Our patience runs short, we get frustrated easier, are quick to anger, and then the mom guilt kicks in, right? 

You cannot pour into others if you don’t pour into yourself first. You must fill your cup in order to overflow into others rather than giving, giving, giving and eventually, your cup is empty and you have nothing else to give. That’s we lose it!

Today was one of those days for me actually! So I thought what do I need to do for me? I put on a face mask and am talking to you!  Here are a few things I do when I need to fill my cup and hopefully this sparks ideas on how you can fill yours too!

1. Read a Book

So I know some of you don’t like physically reading so audiobook will work too haha

Grab a book, snuggle on the couch or in bed and just read. Even if it’s for a few minutes. Or do a crossword puzzle. Sketch or grab a coloring book. Something to take your mind off of all the things.

Here are a few books I’ve been reading lately:

The Crank Palace – If you liked The Maze Runner and want to know what happened to Newt. I did not read the Maze Runner books (only saw the movies) and in terms of backstory, I was able to read this no problem! A great book and I liked seeing Newt’s perspective! Definitely have the other Maze Runner series books on my to-read list!

The Circle Maker – if you’re ready to make breakthroughs in your prayer life. Life-changing!

Rich Dad Poor Dad – personal finance book that will change your thinking. My husband and I loved reading this.

2. Pamper Yourself

There is nothing like putting on a clay mask to help clean out those pores, am I right? Or running a hot bath. Or getting your nails done (in the salon or at home). You deserve some you time!

3. Move

Dare I say – move your body! I have to remind myself that working out, going for a walk, or stretching is very beneficial mentally and physically. You can include the kids on this too! I have been using beachbody for my workouts (love that it’s online) and follow a few fitness influencers/instructors on social media. You can find anything on YouTube too!

4. Fill and Chill

Fill up your pantry with your favorite snacks and things (coffee/tea). Sometimes just having your favorite snack or dessert or drink just helps you get through those tough days or relaxes you at the end of a long day. I’ve done plenty of iced coffee runs just to get myself a treat and the kids out of the house.

4. Grab lunch with a friend

Having time outside the house with no kid attached to your hip does wonders. And then add a friend – makes it even better! I always come back fresh after friend time and being out of the house.

Here are just a few ideas to make sure you are getting some you time and remembering to take care of you too. Just like in the airplane, the stewards tell parents to give themselves oxygen prior to helping anyone else. You have to take care of you to take care of others at our best. You got this mama! I hope these few ideas spark other ideas and help you find the best way to take care of you!

What are some ways you fill your cup?

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