How to Productively Plan for the Week Ahead
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This is something I strive to perfect and make a continuous habit of but I’m getting better! Before kids, this was an easy task but with two under three, finding time (and energy) to consistently do this has been HARD but I’m working on it! And I know I am not alone in this. We all have abundance in our lives. We all have responsibilities and priorities. I am one who thrives when things are organized. I thrive when I know what needs to be accomplished and when! So here goes..this is the process I walk though to plan my week out. And if you want to see my favorite planner and accessories head to this post.
1. Monthly Goals
Thanks to the Sol Planner, I started writing out monthly goals. I take some time at the end of the month to go through different areas in my life and set goals for each of them. This helps set the tone for my month so I know what my priorities are and what steps I need to take to accomplish those goals.
2. Braindump
I also started braindumping every week. This is where you write down every single thing that you need to do this week. I write even the smallest task down (you’ll come back to this later). You can read more about my favorite planner and accessories here.
3. Top 3 Priorities
Then I look at the braindump list and pick three things that are my top priorities. The three things that if nothing else gets done, it’s okay because I needed these three things done no matter what. Example – for this week, my three priorities are my morning routine (last week I was all off my normal schedule), a new blog post, and lastly, a makeup course i’m finishing.
4. Fill in Any Regular Activities
Then I go to my weekly calendar and fill in the things that happen every single week. This could be work, practices, classes, church groups, etc. I also input when each bill is due and how much it is. I used to include this is my monthly view but I personally like seeing it in my weekly view. I do add in all my bills into the weekly view at the beginning of the month but you could do this weekly.
5. Fill in Any Appointments
Do you have any non-negotiable time engagements? Such as doctors, meetings, events, etc. These are things that have a specific time frame that aren’t in your normal weekly schedule. Whenever I don’t have my planner with me, I put these in my phone so I double check my phone and input them in my calendar.
6. Input Top 3 Priorities
These would be the top three priorities. So for my top 3 (morning routine, blog post, and my makeup course assignments), I will write down what my morning should look like, what tasks need to be done for my blog post to be published, and what assignments I’m doing on what day.
7. Remainder of Braindump
Then you can input any other items from your braindump. Your errands or tasks (like grocery shopping or cleaning). Your other projects due, assignments, etc. I’ll plan my days when I know the boys will be with one of their grandmas. Those days are the days I usually can get the high focus items done. And then I’ll add the other items on other days.
8. Family Meeting
Last but not least, talk to your family about the upcoming week. I’ll let my husband know what events we have or if I’ll need him to watch the kids on certain days, etc so we are on the same page and there is no confusion. If you’re kids are older, I would include them in this too!
Final Thoughts
Getting an overview of my week helps me to be way more productive and have less mental fog. As a stay at home mom, I can easily get stuck in survival mode where my main focus is keeping the kids and I alive until dad comes home. Or I try to remember everything that needs to be done in my head and important tasks slip through the crack.
So planning my week out ahead of time (and looking at my day every morning – this is key) drastically changes my day, my week, my month. Just take 20-30 minutes every Sunday to write it all down. I hope this is just as helpful to you as it is to me! Do you have any other steps when you plan out your week? I would love to hear them!